Monday, November 13, 2006

Cayden: Week 6

Where is the off button? Last week Suz, Cayden and I went for a family tour of Arlington at 3:30 am. It worked. Cayden went to sleep. It just worked about four hours later than we would have preferred.

This week we tried something new. We put him in his car seat and stuck him on top of the dryer while it was running.

Who knew? Literally after one minute of the tumble cycle Cayden's eyes were drooping and blinks became longer and longer. It worked and burned less gas than a midnight tour of Arlington. We've used it twice already. But, like a narcotic, it is addicting and we don't want little Cayden to feel like he needs to be strapped to a huge machine to fall asleep.

We'll keep you posted...


PureDesign said...

Nice pic!

Well I suppose that is better than my daughter, when she was that age the only way you could get her to sleep was to rock her, and then slowly and gently laying her on her stomache in her crib. Actually I take that back for the first 2 months of life she slept in the bed with us. My wife patonized what I like to call the power rock in the early days because we didn't have a rocking chair at the time...

You'd have to see my actual presentation of it to actually get the full effect, words would do it NO JUSTICE!

Nate Page said...


I'm still addicted to clothes dryers.


Eric said...

Maybe the next time I can't sleep I should lay on top of the dryer!

Heather Guymon said...

Hey now! This is Shane's wife and I have to defend myself...I made myself look like a complete FOOL for HIM to sleep. So, we DO what we GOTTA to survive! Good luck with the infant stage though. I will be the first to tell you, I am NOT a fan of it! If I could skip that whole first three months or so, I totally would!