So...I will have something salty.
Then I will think: "That was good...but I want to end on something sweet."
So...I will have something sweet.
Then I will think: "That was good too...but I think I acutally wanted to end on something salty after all."
And the cycle repeats.
The other night -- I kid you not -- I had the following foods in the the following order (as near as I remember):
- Sip of Mug's Rootbeer (The BEST rootbeer -- do not bring that Barq's crap!)
- Three Ritz crackers with Mozzarella cheese spread that Mom left from her last visit
- One Chips Ahoy cookie
- Two bites of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream (I know, two sweets in a row -- big faux pas)
- A sip of the Fuze grapefruit juice -- from Mom's last visit (This nasty crap is neither sweet nor salty, so it balances out the two sweets that proceeded it.)
- Water (I had to have something to clear the previous five items out.)
And that is it. I do not know how I made it through the night without perishing for lack of food. If I were a Diabetic, this would be the perfect storm.
Well at least you arent smacking cereal in your wife's ear as she is trying to sleep. Shane does this exact thing, gets snacky at night, LATE at night, so im snoozing, my worse pet peeve is people who smack, so I awake to hear slurping and whatever else, coming two inches from my face. NOT GOOD! Oh and the chips, dont even get me STARTED on the chips! GRR! Haha how funny, you two could be twinkies together with your snacking ways.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that goes through that cycle. The killer of the cycle, however, if a handful of raw spinach.
well I was going to inform you that I ahve the same problem, minus the having to balance it out with salty and sweets, I just go for whatever I can get my hands on that seems good at the moment.
Only disagreement is that A&W rootbeer is BY FAR THE BEST, I agree though, get taht Barq's crap outta here.
My favorite midnight snack comes from something that started in Brazil for me, I eat cheese and bread, only the bread I ahve here isn't as good as a paozinho, you gotta admit you miss them darn paozinhos?
I used to have that snacking problem, but now I just chug a bunch of water right before bed. This is just as bad, if not worse, because then I spend the entire night with the urge to go. Yes, logic would say that I should just get up and go, but we all know that never happens. It is pure torture until the alarm goes off.
Response to Shane:
Those paozinhos were awesome. And you're right we don't have anything here that quite compares. However, the ultimate Brazilian night cap is a half a pack of Passatempos and a glass of Tipo-B Milk. Elder Taylor taught me that and I'll never forgive him for getting me hooked. Oh and A&W is runner up. But Mug takes the cake.
Response to Cam:
I hear ya. This morning I woke up at 5:15 with the urge. I knew I was waking up at 5:30 to catch a flight so I sat there and held it. Anything over a 30-minute wait though, I'm making the trip to the commode.
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