Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thurston Thrasher and Othe Extreme (Yet Safe) Activities

Wow, two posts in a day!  Okay, it was really one big post that I split into two small, more manageable posts so as not to overwhelm you, the reader.

Friday night my dad and I, and a few of his friends unloaded at the mouth of Adam's canyon at 5:00 pm.  Four hours, 4900 vertical feet, and 1900 calories later, we arrived at Thurston peak, the highest point in Davis and Morgan counties. 

It was about the perfect temperature when we started, a refreshing 55-degree overcast day.  It started to snow just as we got high enough to put our snowshoes on.  By the time we got our snowshoes on, Bart, who chose not to bring snowshoes, was half way up the bowl.  I hurried to catch him and we both rested under a tree as we waited for the rest of the group to get there.  At that point, the snow and wind really started to pick up. 

When we arrived at the peak around 9:00 pm the snow and wind were blowing harder than I can every remember and it must have been in the low 20's.  We quickly took pictures with Dad's waterproof camera and started back down.  Going down was easier than going up until we took our snowshoes off and had to walk through the mud created by the rain at lower elevations.  On
 the way down we all talked about going out and getting steaks to celebrate our victory.  When we arrived at the truck at 12:15 am everyone just wanted to be home. dad still owes me a steak.

By Monday the storm was gone and the air was clear.  A bluebird spring day was perfect to cap off the snowmobiling season.  The snow is melting incredibly fast and the streams were all full.  The melting snow made conditions less than ideal down around the cabin so we headed up toward Francis peak.  The firm base with four or five inches of spring snow made it easy to get into the bowls behind Francis peak.  
All it all it was a great day and a good way to end the snowmobiling season.

What Should I Be Doing Right Now?

Every six months I will post a blog entry whether I need it or not.  I cannot believe it has been that long since the last one.  Business school has kept me pretty busy, as evidenced by the lack of posts.  Last week I finished the first year of the MBA program and have a couple of weeks until I start my internship with Cummins in Minneapolis.  

To catch you up, we moved home to Utah to go to BYU's full-time MBA program.  Having just finished the first year, I have lined up an internship with Cummins Power Generation in Fridley, MN (just outside of Minneapolis -- AKA "The Mini Apple.")  If you do not know what Cummins does, just ask my mom.  She can explain it really well.  To put it briefly, Cummins Power Generation makes alternators and generators for everything from boats and RVs to huge backup power systems for hospitals.  In fact, they even make the rockets that thrust the space shuttle into space.  Not really.  

It has been a little weird being out of school this last week.  I have not really
 known what to do with myself.  At first, I had to keep convincing myself that there was not something I was supposed to be doing at all times.  After about two days that feeling wore off and I have taken more naps in the last week than in the two semesters before it.  

Aside from daily naps and catching up on re-runs of Tyra I have been spending my time hiking, biking, snowmobiling, and biking -- in that order.  More on that later.