Monday, April 18, 2005

Welcome to the world's most important Blog!

What is up fans? (Both of you.) So I thought I'd take a crack at starting a blog. For those of you unfamiliar to the wonderful world wide web of blogs, blog stand for . . . well, I don't exactly know. But the whole gist of a blog is that I (and whoever else I allow - for example, my hot wife) can write witty and insightful comments and post them here. Then you, the viewing audience can respond. Then people can respond to your comments and then arguments ensue and things really start to get fun.

In review: This blog thing is similar to the running news section on my homepage except it will allow you to give me feedback.

So I'm sure you're all as excited as I am about this and would like to respond now, but you don't know how. I'm going to give you a step by step instruction of how (dumbed down to mom and dad's level of computer education.)

Step 1: Read the latest post
Step 2: Have a good laugh and think to yourself (Rand's such a witty guy!)
Step 3: Did you do step 2? If not - DO IT!
Step 4: Click on the 'comment' link at the bottom of the post.
Step 5: Type your comment in the right-hand box on the screen that pops up. Under 'Choose an identity, choose 'Other' and provide your name.
Step 6: Click 'Publish your comment' and you're done.


Anonymous said...

Wow, classy blogger you got here... yeah I have got some run down, pretty simple, property up north, but it's nothing like what you got here! Do you know if any of the neighbors are selling?

Alright, alright... so apparently when you seperate a wife from her husband for 11 days she starts to go a little crazy (or as Rand would input here "starts to go crazy? "). I think this site is great, look forward to future postings from the "hot wife" (Isn't he great?!)

Anonymous said...

boring blog. What a let down! two very enthusiastic thumbs down. I expected more than this from you RAND.

Rand said...

Dear Anonymous err...Lindsay:

Thank you for your feedback. The whole idea of this blog was to replicate the experience of talking to you. Based on your commments, it looks as though I've succeeded.

Anonymous said...

blog: stands for "web log" say that three times fast and you will understand why they shortend it to Blog....

nice to see you finally joined the rest of the world